
We are making progress!  The foundation of our new house is complete and they are waterproofing it.  In this picture, you can see outside of the garage (brick) and the interior walls of the basement (cinder blocks) and a whole lot of red mud!IMG_1285

FaceTime with Gran Gran and Grandaddy!  Lots of Pat a Cake! IMG_0389

William has started walking further and further away from the house.  Whenever we say the word “Outside,” he smiles and immediately walks to the door.  Below he is walking on Laburnum for the first time and he went all the way to the stop sign.  He would have gone further if we had let him!




Out to dinner at Zio’s, one of our favorites.  William is already a basketball fan – whenever he sees a basketball hoop in the neighborhood, he yells “Ball!”IMG_1281He likes to play the piano too!  His fingers look good on the keys!


And of course, swim lessons!  Learning lot of songs, to blow bubbles in the water and how to “Kick, kick, kick!”


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